BERA CONFERENCE 2023 - Aston University, Birmingham, UK

September 12, 2023

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Existing research within the area of self-regulated learning (SRL) in music highlights the significant potential of SRL to improve the efficiency of the acquisition of musical skills. While SRL has near-universal applicability across different fields of enquiry, the purpose of this study was to explore SRL during blended instrumental learning and practice and investigate whether intervention would increase the students’ SRL tendencies. Four secondary-school-aged students who receive one-to-one instrumental lessons volunteered to participate in this study. It was designed as a multiple-case study spanning approximately half of one school term. Data sources included (a) two entrance and exit questionnaires; (b) entrance interviews; (c) entrance and exit video observations, and (d) a focus group exit interview. Approaches to data analysis and discussion of results were rooted in the strong and pertinent philosophical foundation of posthumanism. The SRL intervention designed for this study involved a deliberate use of digital practice journals and personalised tutoring sessions. The author, who is also the piano teacher of the participant volunteers, taught participants about the importance of developing SRL skills and explicitly drew attention to the initial findings of the pre-intervention data related to forethought, performance, and self-reflection phases as well as to attitudes and tendencies towards learning with technology for effective practising during a student’s practice session. The intervention had modest effects that varied across participants. Recommendations are made for future research.

  • Boelens, R., Van Laer, S., De Wever, B., & Elen, J. (2015). Blended learning in adult education: Towards a definition of blended learning.
  • Hatfield, J. L., Halvari, H., & Lemyre, P.-N. (2017). Instrumental practice in the contemporary music academy: A three-phase cycle of Self-Regulated Learning in music students. Musicae Scientiae, 21(3), 316–337.
  • McPherson, G. E., Miksza, P., & Evans, P. (2018). Self-regulated learning in music practice and performance. In Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance, 2nd ed (pp. 181–193).
  • Osborne, M. S., McPherson, G. E., Miksza, P., & Evans, P. (2020). Using a microanalysis intervention to examine shifts in musicians’ self-regulated learning. Psychology of Music, 0305735620915265.


September 12, 2023


BERA Conference 2023



BERA CONFERENCE 2023 - Aston University, Birmingham, UK

more projects

2000 — 23

Human and Machine in Harmony. Rethinking Music Literacy in the Age of AI

BERA Digitisation and Education: an interdisciplinary exploration of new and emerging questions and approaches

Human and Machine in Harmony. Rethinking Music Literacy in the Age of AI